Monday, June 08, 2009

grape girl

Freddy posted this photo today on the One World site. That's me, somewhere in the middle wearing the grape/purple shirt. From far away, this looks like a normal photo. But if you click on it and look up close, I'm making a funny face. I think I'm trying to convince Brad that I need to not do today's WOD. Yes, that's how I start off every class. I come in about fifteen minutes early to try to figure out how I can get out of the WOD. Most people would be smart enough to just not show up. Not me. I'm not that smart. Everyday I come in hoping someone will convince me to go home. Unfortunately, no one ever does. But I still come back. Stupid. Silly. Me.

frantically drive back home to pick up shoes that I forgot to bring
have a minor freak out because I was late for class
Run 400 meters

CrossFit One World WOD: Rest Day, Skills Day
Back Squat Challenge:
20 - 80# back squats

Work on Overhead Squat:
10 - 33# Overhead Squats
10 - 43# Overhead Squats
10 - 53# Overhead Squats

GHD Luv!
30 GHD sit-ups
30 GHD back extensions
30 push-ups, using GHD machine as support

Cheering on Settie as she kills the kipping pull-ups!

Joanne's Final Time - N/A

Notes (to myself) about this workout: I meant to do Nancy, but I time was running short and I realized that my overhead squat needs some work. Also, tomorrow's WOD is Karen, so there's no need to over squat for this cycle.

Kudos to Miss Settie who nailed the kipping pull-up today. Wa-hoo! Rock on, girl!

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