Saturday, January 03, 2009

the wonder twins

Dear Wonder Twins,

It's the new year and I declare that a new positive outlook for 2009 is in order. With that, I wanted to let you know that I applaud your efforts to take yoga. It's not as simple and zen-like as you were expecting, is it? It's okay though. It took me at least a year to get used to the class. But I'm glad that you two are conquering your resolutions together.

The first class is always tough. But stick with it. Even if you have to stop and rest half way through while the rest of us are twisted in some variation of a one-legged downward dog, just stick with it. One day you'll make it to that twisted variation. Until then, just do your best. Rest when you need to. And take every liberty to laugh at the rest of us suffering through the wheel pose.

Cheers and kudos Wonder Twins!

The Fierce Runner

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