Tuesday, January 06, 2009

CrossFit One World WOD

I lifted this from Rita's blog. I know the holidays are over, but I just couldn't resist posting this photo of Freddy. You gotta love a man who is this comfortable in his own skin, yeah? I hope you enjoyed the belly laugh as much as I did! Moving on...

I started the day off bright and early at 5:00am by going to a one-hour spin class. Though the class doesn't start until 5:30am, I decided to beat the new year's folks and sign for a bike really early. I arrived just ten minutes after the gym opened and there were already almost ten people signed up. Luckily, I got my bike, set it up, had a snack, and then headed to class. This morning was my first spin class since I came back into the country. It was just like I never left. It was a bit challenging, but I got through the class just fine. Yea for spin.

Row 1000 meters

Complete the following for time:
21 hang power cleans 65#
Row 500m
15 hang power cleans
Row 500m
9 hang power cleans

Joanne's Final Time - 14:05

Notes (to myself) about this workout:
I'm so bad at the hang power cleans. In fact, my back is feeling the bad form right now. UGH. I've been telling myself that I need to go to Jason's Sunday class and right now, I think I'm going to have to actually follow through.

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