Monday, April 06, 2009

more CFit luv!

Tonight's 7:15-er is Alex who comes to One World with a big smile and an even bigger heart! I had a great time chatting it up with him. Tonight I discovered that Alex is in love. L-O-V-E love with training at One World. I've never met anyone who loved being at the gym so much. Admittedly, I've been at One World so long that I forget that the real reason I go is not for the agony of the WOD, but  because of the great vibes that everyone shares. You're right, Alex. Even a bad day can completely change with the right company. To be reminded of that is always refreshing. Yes, Alex. I know you love us. And we love you right back! (insert big hugs here)

shootin' the shit with Eric and Will B. (and being reminded of how much I LOVE the fact that men will always be men; heh!)

Run 1.1 miles

After much deliberation, Lisette and I decided that we would opt OUT of the WOD and head straight to dinner with some fellow One Worlders. We'll meet up with Cindy on Thursday.

CrossFit One World WOD
Dinner with the gang. Priceless.

Notes (to myself) about this workout: Okay. So we probably should have done the WOD - especially since Alex did it and even had time to go home, wash up, and change. Right now, I have no regrets. I had a blast poking fun at him and his falling shorts. I had even more fun offering to pull the drawstrings of those shorts to keep them from falling. heh! (fathlete confession: You know I'd never actually pull the drawstrings, right? In fact, I'd probably run to the nearest corner just to blush at the thought of engaging in such debauchery. ha ha! Um. Seriously.) Dinner was lovely. I was happy to see the very pregnant Mel. Also, I finally got to spend time with Laura, who I never get to see. A very big thank you to Cheryl and Alex for their generosity.

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