Wednesday, September 10, 2008

CrossFit One World W.O.T.D.

This past weekend, One World hosted a Level 1 and Level 2 CrossFit certification. Congrats to all the people who participated and received their certs. Nice job!

1 hour of yoga
Run 1.1 miles

WOD: "Time Trials"
Complete each of the following five exercises individually for time. You may go in any order and you may rest as long as you want between efforts.

Exercise / Previous Time / Today's Time
100 jumping pull-ups / 6:03 / 3:26
100 (fully planked) push-ups / 15:17 / 11:05
100 Abmat sit-ups / 10:18 / 7:32
Row 500m / 2:23 / 2:14
Run 400m / 2:12 / 2:09

Notes (to myself) about this workout:
I hate time trials. But it was better than Fight Gone Bad. Also, I was curious to see how much improvement (if there was any) I would have. Overall, I'm really happy because I beat all my previous times. This was the last time I did time trials. Not bad considering it's been six weeks. For our next trials, I want to focus more on form. I don't mind slower times as long as the form is better. I'm glad that today my times and my form were better.

Big thanks to Eric for sticking through with this. These things are such a bitch!

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