Tuesday, July 14, 2009

ice bath

When I was marathon training a few years ago, I would have given anything to (1) discover the wonder of skins and (2) have a regular ice bath like this after our LONG runs. As I mentioned before, Chong totally cramped up during the last heat of the affiliate challenge. I tell you, watching that made me cringe. So here he is. Post WOD. Chillin' in the ice bath. All your suspicions about the ice bath are true. It's cold. It's uncomfortable. But when you're sore, it's amazing. (Yeah Fritz. This photo's for you!)

Run 400 meters

Two rounds of:
10 air squats
10 GHD sit-ups
10 push-ups (on knees)
10 jumping pull-ups
5 burpees

Prep for the WOD

CrossFit One World WOD
9/6/3 reps of
overhead squat 53#
bar dips

Joanne's Final Time - 4:30

Notes (to myself) about this workout: Today was a rest day. On rest days I like to do skills training - as in take a light day and work on something I suck at. I intended to work on my back squat challenge and then do some practice on the overhead squats. For as much as I love squats, the overhead squat is a completely different monster. Yes, I need some work on those.

Unfortunately, Jason K. wanted to do an actual WOD of some sort. He also made me work on some things that I truly suck at such as the overhead squat and the ring dips. (I know I usually give Jason K. my kudos. As punishment for making me do an actual WOD on a rest day, today will be sans kudos. Bleh. ha ha!) fathlete confession: working on stuff I suck at makes me a whiney bitch. I think it's a genetic condition or something.

I FAILED at the ring dips and actually felt bad about it. I'm having trouble with stabilizing myself, keeping the rings close to my body, and I'm finding that I just don't have the strength to lift my butt off the ground. It was frustrating. After that failed attempt, we moved over to the standard bars and box dips. However, we adjusted it so that it was much harder than what I'm used to. Yes, I admit that I've been sandbagging the move all this time. I'm figuring that when the bars and box dips get easier, I'll transition to the rings.

I'm also terrible at pull-ups and tomorrow's WOD has pull-ups and knees-to-elbows (done on the pull-up bars). This means I'm going to have torn hands tomorrow. Bleh. People (especially the women at the box) are getting really serious about pull-ups and ring dips because Freddy posted a muscle up challenge. Basically, the first woman who gets 30 muscle ups in under 13 minutes gets a cash prize. It looks like the pot is up to $700. I am nowhere near a pull-up let alone a muscle up, so I'm pretty sure I'm not in the running. I know. Jason K. nearly knocked me in the head for saying this too. I'm just a realist, that's all. If I could get ONE muscle up I can die a happy woman. Is that so wrong? Anyway...

I'm still sore from yesterday's WOD. That was freakin' killer. I wish I could take a quick ice bath. I also wish I dated a massage therapist.

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