Thursday, September 02, 2010


This is a video that an old friend from another life posted. It's a PSA about chopsticks. It didn't dawn on me that millions of trees are cut every year just to make those disposable wooden chopsticks we use each time we eat Asian food! In the name of going green, I urge everyone to start carrying their own portable chopsticks the way you do a canvas bag for your groceries. Just stick a set or two in the trunk of your car. When you have Asian food, just bring it with you (yes, even if you have to walk back to the car and get them). When you're done eating, just clean off the chopsticks with hot tea or bring them to the bathroom to wash. We can save a lot of trees that way!

I've been out of CrossFit commission lately because of school and other life things. Gah! I need to take note of tonight and this post-WOD drunk feeling. It's an amazing feeling. Perhaps this is why people get addicted to CrossFit. A really hard WOD leaves you tired and energized at the same time. I can't exactly explain how this makes sense. I just need to remember this feeling if I ever try to convince myself to not go to the box.

In random and silly news, I ran into this article on flirting facts. You know you want to read it!

Finally, here is another reason why grammar is so important:
"Grammar is important. Capitalization is the difference between helping your Uncle Jack off a horse & helping your uncle jack off a horse."-Jennifer Lyn

Today's Small Victories
I PR'd on the push press. Yea!

500 meter row
Dynamic Stretching

CrossFit One World WOD
Squat: 5x5 135#
Push Press: 1/1/1/1/1
75/85/90/95/100 (PR!)

Complete as many rounds as possible in ten minutes of:
10 wallballs 10#
3 ground to overhead 65#

Joanne's Final Count - 7 rounds

Notes (to myself) about this workout: I didn't know what my last squat 5x5 was. When I managed to do a search, I was happy to know that today I did 5# more than my last squat 5x5 attempt. The conditioning part was hard. I went lighter on the wall ball because I wanted to hit the mark. I think I can actually range between 10# and 12#. For next time, I need to go about 75# on the ground to overhead movement. I also need more practice on the clean.


Lyn C. said...

Grammar is important. Hahahahaaa, I wanna put that in my status on Facebook! Congrats with your PR girlie!

j-ro said...

Thank you much Miss Lyn!