Tuesday, February 17, 2009

so this is how it all started...

...a few weeks ago, Freddy posted this photo of Chong and Mel on the One World site: Needless to say, Chippendale Chong and Mel (as Laura Croft) inspired a slew of comments on the site. Inspired, I emailed Freddy and sent him this photo of Eric. I figured I was following typical CrossFit protocol and sharing another "trainer-in-stripper-mode" photo. Who could blame me?

Well, Freddy finally posted Eric's photo on the site and OMG. Within five hours of the post, there are already 25 comments, with way more on the way. Now that is CrossFit luv for you!

Run 800 meters

CrossFit One World WOD
Complete five rounds for time of:
Row 300m
30 push-ups

Joanne's Final Time - 17:51

Notes (to myself) about this workout: I've been out of commission for two weeks because life just happens. I've had some bad car issues (which are now fixed) and my uncle in the Philippines passed away, leaving me to house sit for my mom and simply reflect on life and such. My family and I are fine.

Truth is, these things are no excuse to put my health and exercise life aside. Please remind me of this if I ever fall off the bandwagon again. Thanks!

When I came into the gym, I realized how much I really missed One World. That place is just so awesome and I'm so glad to be back.

Anyway... This was a pretty tough WOD to come to because it totally works the arms. Freddy is posting WODs to help prepare the athletes for the NorCal CrossFIt Regionals. WIth the growing popularity of CrossFit, the games are no longer open to just anybody. You have to compete in a regional qualifier in order to go to the games in July. It's crazy!

Yes, this was one of those WODs that you look at and think, "this isn't too bad." Then you actually do it and you wonder how such stupidity entered your mind. Hmph. I survived and finished. That's all that matters. BIG KUDOS to the lovely ladies that did the WOD with me. A special shout out to Little Miss Shannon who is doing excellent work day in and day out. You are such a rockstar!

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