Friday, July 14, 2006


In honor of my various work outs I do to keep healthy and sane, I've decided to add this new feature to this blog. Unfortunately, I'm not running too much these days because I fiind that my back can't take it. Also, I like being blister free. This isn't to say that I've given up on running, I'm just exercising other options before insanity overcomes me again. So here it goes...

OWMA Workout of the Day (W.O.T.D.)
instructor: Freddy

Run 400 meters
50 jumping jacks
Run 400 meters
100 jump rope turns
Run 400 meters
50 jumping jacks
Run 400 meters

Three Rounds
Three rounds of the following exercises for time:
30 plank lifts
30 push-ups (on knees)
30 crunches with 8 lb. ball
30 squats
30 squats with 1-2 punch on bag
(Joanne's Final Time: 17:44)

Stretch on your own.

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