Monday, August 27, 2007

CrossFit One World W.O.T.D.

Row 1000 meters

With a wooden dowel, THREE sets of:
Samson stretch
10 Shoulder rolls
5 Squats with shoulder raises
10 Shoulder presses
5 Front squats
10 Push presses
5 Overhead squats
10 Push jerks

WOD: Something a little different....
Complete five rounds for time of:
1 thruster 45#- rest 10 seconds
2 thrusters 45#- rest 10 seconds
3 thrusters 35#- rest 10 seconds
4 thrusters 35#- rest 10 seconds
5 thrusters 35#- rest 10 seconds
Row 200m

Joanne's Final Time - 18:42

Notes (to myself) about this workout: First off, a big thanks to Nick for carrying me through this workout - especially the last two rounds! It helps when someone is cheering you on as you moan and groan to the finish. I went for a 50 minute run before class and noticed that my blister from last week was acting up again. Unfortunately, it hasn't fully recovered. I think I might be taping it wrong or something. So when I realized that there was running in the original workout, I swapped the running for rowing. This made the WOD much harder because the run at least gives the upper body a break. The rowing isn't as forgiving. That's why I had to drop the weight after the second round. My upper body couldn't take the full 45#. UGH. Oh well, I still think I did okay. Plus, I think my form was better today.

OWMA Quotable Quote
"This would be a lot easier if I wasn't rowing!"
- Joanne

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