Sunday, October 16, 2005

not related to running

Okay, so I'm not just a runner. I'm a grad student too. After Hawai`i I had to go to our nation's capital for a conference and wanted to share some photos from that trip, so here it goes...

This was taken during my last night in DC. Mind you, this was very late at night after dinner and dancing, so I look a bit off. Okay. I look very off. Left to right are: me, Scott, Anesu, Edrik, Petra, Rudy and Genelle. Regardless, I had a blast. The people at the conference were so friendly and kind. It's nice to be in an academic space where people are supportive - not competitive and trying to size you up. It was refreshing and a great way to get back to my school life.

We tried to gather up all the Filipinos at the conference for a picture (because well, Filipinos like taking pictures together). Unfortunately, some folks were missing (Rudy, where were you?). So left to right we are: Ronaldo, Genelle, Steve, Pearlie, (UGH! Why am I blanking on her name?!), me and Rhacel. (Alex, I know what you're thinking and I'm thinking it too.) It was great being around good company. I can't wait for the conference next year.

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