This is how the day started. I decided to begin the big 3-2 correctly by going to the 9am CrossFit class.
CrossFit One World W.O.T.D.
Row 1000 meters
WOD: Modified Murph
Complete the following:
Run around the block (1.1 miles). Upon your return, complete as many rounds as you can in 15 minutes of- 5 pull-ups/10 push-ups/15 squats. Then, run around the block again. Post your total rounds and total time to comments.
This is my final time. Yeah. Happy birthday to me! Brian and I didn't do the full 15 minutes of 5-10-15 because Freddy was under the silly impression that 10 minute miles are pretty normal. (Ahem. I run about a 15 minute mile. One can walk at mile in 20 minutes, not 10 minutes, Freddy. What planet are you running on?! Oh yeah. BOO! to the person that stole my 5-10-15 station. It totally slowed me down and f--ked up my rounds!)
This is what I looked like at the end of the workout. Thanks to Officer Brian for being a good sport and letting me sneak this pic. ha ha ha!
Some CrossFit videos that make me laugh:
This is Josh and Lil Joe doing the "Superman" thang.
This is Freddy and Austin joining in on the "Superman" thang.
This is the video that started it all...
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