Today's Small Victories
I'm getting some serious writing done. Woot!
Row 500 meters
Prep for WOD
CrossFit One World WOD
Strength: Deadlift 5x5 at 165#
Conditioning: "Cindy Ladder"
Start a fifteen minute running clock. At the first minute, do one (jumping) pull-up, one push-up (on knees), one squat. At minute two, do two pull-ups, two push-ups, two squats. Continue adding one rep to each exercise every minute until you cannot finish the work within the minute. Once you fail, rest the following minute, then for every minute that is left until the 15 minute mark, do 15 seconds of pull-ups, 15 seconds of push ups, 15 seconds of squats, and rest 15 seconds. Your score is the final round you are able to complete as prescribed.
Joanne's Final Count - 9 rounds
Notes (to myself) about this workout: I still hate the deadlift. I'm glad that we only do it once a week because Freddy's right. The body needs the week to recover from it. 165# is not a lot to lift compared to what I know I'm capable, but it was plenty enough for tonight.
As for conditioning, I really liked the "Cindy Ladder." I'm not big on Cindy, but I'm a little stronger with my pull-up. Right now, I just have to practice and muster up the courage to stop jumping and start using the rubber bands. Gah! I was estimating that I would pull about 8 rounds. I'm glad I did 9 rounds and was just short five squats to make the 10th round.
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