However, I do think about what I'm going to have for my cheat meal. I want mention (again) that having a cheat meal is fine. (Just don't overdo it!) In fact, if you follow the 80/20 rule, you should be good. MDA did some posts on the 80/20 rule here and here. From what I gather, a "cheat" is meant to keep you sane and on track. I don't think it's a good idea to eat three gallons of ice cream and a tray of lumpia on a cheat day. But it is a good idea to have a little of this for pleasure's sake. Also, it's best to avoid a junk food overload for your "cheat." Not convinced? Read this. In short, a "cheat" is fine, but please avoid the "gorge."
Today's Small Victories
1) I said NO to the red velvet cupcake at Starbucks. (Insert me doing my victory dance.)
2) I survived those damn sprints.
3) I hit a 5# PR in the deadlift.
CrossFit One World WOD
1/1/1/1/1 Deadlift
Final Weight: 195/215/235/255 (PR!)
Stretching for sprints.
8 x 100m sprint. Rest 1 minute between efforts.
Joanne's Final Time (in seconds)- 24/23/25/24/26/25/26/22
Notes (to myself) about this workout: My deadlift PR was ugly, but I did it without a belt. Woot! I still don't like the idea of doing max lifts as "warm-ups" but I'm hanging in there. Sprints really suck. I'm going to totally forget that I consistently came in last and was consistently spanked by at least 10 seconds. Instead, I'm going to bitch and moan about how big tonight's 7:15 class was. WTF Freddy?! Did you have to give out the ingredients to the 7:15 secret sauce?! Now everyone's gonna start showing up. Boo!
aaaand back to the lovin'! KUDOS to Miss Shannon for hitting a 285# deadlift. You rock, Shannon and I *heart* you so!
aww Joanne, I really appreciate, sincerely it means a lot that you said that.
But girl your doing great as well, I still pay attention to your blog as much as possible and your are such a role model for me.
Stay strong and beautiful!!!
much love,
Thank you so much Shannon. You're so the little sister I wish I had.
Keep rockin' those WODs!
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