Speaking of cake, yesterday was my sister-in-law's birthday. Happy Birthday Ate Faye! This red velvet's also for you!
Right now, I'd like to give Claire R., who is my sister-in-law's BFF a big shout out! Miss Claire is running the Nike Women's Marathon right now in San Francisco as I type. This is her first marathon and I just wanted to send her some cramp-free, blister-free, chafing-free, chocolate-filled, completely hydrated, ice bathalicious vibes as she conquers the 26.2 miles of San Francisco terrain. Go Claire! Woot!
This photo was taken during my brother and sister-in-law's wedding. Yeah. Claire rocks the dance floor!
Talking to Claire about marathon training brought me back to what started this blog - training for the Maui marathon back in 2005. That year I also did the Nike Women's Half Marathon in San Francisco. It's true. If you've trained for and ran a marathon, it grants you official entry to the marathon club. As a member of the club, you have exclusive knowledge of things like Body Glide, bleeding nipples, and breaking through the wall. It also reminds me that in marathoning, training is essential. The race is the gift. A few weeks ago, I wrote this rant about training.
Admittedly, I felt bad after I wrote it. I don't want anyone to think that I'm crying bitter hell to those who don't formally train for whatever sport or event they're training for. In fact, I write this out of pure love. I just feel that it's dangerous to not take training (especially for endurance sports) seriously. Distance and endurance sports are no joke. In fact, two people died at the San Jose Half marathon this year. I'm not saying these people died because of improper training. I'm saying that endurance sports need to be taken seriously because the consequences can be fatal. I also think it's arrogant and irresponsible to think that CrossFit alone can grant you access to other sports without respecting the training those other sports require. That's right. ARROGANT and IRRESPONSIBLE. In fact, I think this arrogance and irresponsibility is in part, what caused the whole Greyskull debacle.
Think I'm the only one who feels that doing a full on marathon with zero marathon training is ridiculous? Please read this article from Mark's Daily Apple. Like me, Mark cites Lance Armstrong and his training. Sorry CrossFitters. Most of you are barely the equivalent of Lance's right big toe on a good day. That you would think CrossFit could carry you through 26.2 miles in a healthy manner is just plain stupid. If Lance has enough sense to marathon train, you should too!
For the record, consistent CrossFitting makes you a better CrossFitter. If you're engaged in other sports, CrossFit helps to supplement whatever you're already doing to make you better for your respective sports. CrossFit does not replace the training you have to do for your respective sports. For example, I'm sure the people at CrossFit Endurance would never tell you to drop your distance training for your marathons, ultra-marathons, triathlons, etc. The people at CrossFit Football would never tell you to drop your football training. I would never tell my nephew to drop his hockey training for CrossFit. With that, why would anyone run 26.2 miles or cycle 100 miles without proper endurance training just to see if CrossFit really works?! For the record, CrossFit really does work. You don't need to drive your body to this kind of insanity to figure that one out.
CrossFit is a great supplement to balance out your strength and avoid injuries, especially for endurance sports. I can't begin to tell you how much better my marathon experience would have been if I had been CrossFitting in 2005. It would have cut the soreness and the injuries exponentially. My knees would have been in better health and I'm sure my speed would have increased. To think that a workout system whose philosophy is to do short, intense workouts that last no more than half an hour, can get your through 5-7 hours of running or 5 days of cycling is again, irresponsible and arrogant.
With that, I officially declare that if any of you dare to share your irresponsible and arrogant plans with me, I reserve the right to address you as STUPID ARROGANT PANTY ASSHOLE SCHMUCK. (SAPAS for short.) Yes. All caps with that biting tone that feels like fangs dipping into the tender part of your neck. I will also take the liberty of posting unflattering photos of you for my SAPAS Wall of Shame. Stop using CrossFit as a poor excuse to dodge some serious endurance training. Do not use CrossFit as an excuse in the event you fail at said sport. I'm not making this declaration to be jerk. I do this out of love.
Respect the sports you participate in.
Respect the body, mind, and spirit that will be there for you to help push you through these challenges.
Respect the people who love you enough to not want to drag your tired, weak, unprepared body out of the mud just because your arrogance wanted to see if this CrossFit stuff really works.
I beg you all to respect yourselves.
Very good thoughts. General Physical fitness is good for life, but for sport - you do need to have Sport Specific fitness. I'm glad you see that truth for yourself.
But where people are at odds at is how to train and those that declare that their way is the best (often times with arrogance and ignorance). This is why I try to learn from other trainers and coaches, but always with a grain of salt and I choose to take what makes sense and is useful to me.
Although I have to say that this puts me at odds with folks like Greg Glassman of CFHQ and Brian MacKenzie of CrossFit Endurance, since I have a difficult time believing EVERYTHING they say about their respective programs. (BTW, CFE kinda does tell folks to drop their long distance training (LSD) in favor of more anaerobic training...it's one of the things that prevents me from following the whole CFE design and only take some elements to form my own training.)
Wow! Interesting. I didn't know that about CFE. Maybe I put my foot in my mouth there for a second. ha ha!
Admittedly, I wrote this post out of frustration because one of the folks at our box told me he was running the Nike marathon in SF. When I asked what his highest mileage was, he said it was 5K (or 5 miles, same difference at this point since the race was less than a week away). I met another woman who signed up for the same marathon but a few years earlier. She too had only run 5 miles as her max. For both of these people, the sentiment was, "I'm healthy and I work out regularly." My answer is always, "Well so is Lance Armstrong. And he still marathon trains!"
I'm not trying to be a hater. It's just that I remember my marathon training. I earned every freakin' painful mile in my six months of training. With that, it baffles me that people would not train for something so grueling. Where's the respect for the race? The course? The mileage? Yourself?!
I know. I have to learn "to each her/his own." It's just hard sometimes.
....and now you just confirmed it Jon. It just might a CrossFit thing. ha ha! (I kid. Not all CrossFitters are crazy. In fact, I love CrossFitters. I am a CrossFitter. And I'll now stop qualifying my statements.)
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