Run 1.1 miles (12:24)
Prep for the WOD
Letting Cheryl T. know that she's my secret girl crush 'cuz I'm so lovin' the gun show! ha ha!
CrossFit One World WOD
Complete five rounds for time:
10 each arm - kettle bell snatches from ground to overhead 18#
20 box jumps 12"
30 front squats with the kettle bell used in the snatches 18#
200m run
Joanne's Final Time - 30:18
Notes (to myself) about this workout: This WOD sucked. But I still love kettlebells. It's just a matter of getting used to the actual movement. When I finally figured out how to do the movement correctly (in like, round FIVE!), I realized that I could have done 20# or more. I think I'll give it a shot the next time we do this WOD. I've decided that anything that requires me to jump on a box should be declared illegal. There's just way too much jiggly bounce goin' on here. It's not pretty. Plus, the box jumps made the squats miserable. That's a big thing for me to say because I *heart* squats!
For now, I feel some forearm bruising coming on. Not pretty!
fathlete guilty pleasures...
Judge all you want, but I've said it before. I'm a total PCD fan. Whaat?! Yeah. There's nothing better than pumping some PCD on my ipod during a WOD or run. It just makes me feel sexy. ha ha! So there's been a lot of buzz about their rendition of Jai Ho, the Oscar-winning song from Slumdog Millionaire. You can find the video here.
I did it. I bought the song. I like it. Don't hate.
For as much as I like the PCD version, I still think the movie version, complete with Bollywood-esque dance sequence rocks!
Ya know what I'm sayin?!
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