After three months in the Philippines where I, for the most part, didn't exercise, I'm happy to announce that I'm back. I went to my first workout on Friday, where I did yoga and belly dancing. It was light, but needed and appreciated. In the spirit of being back, I'd like to outline a few personal goals I have...
(1) Starting Sunday, June 2nd (tomorrow), I'm going to start my Oprah-inspired cleanse by not eating read meat for 30 days. I used to do these 30 day challenges and this will be my first one coming back. The same rules apply. The challenge is for 30 days. If I falter, the challenge re-sets to day one. My post-Manila challenge is no red meat. Meaning, I'm limited to chicken, seafood and various meatless varieties of protein.
(2) I'm in the market for a shoe pouch so I can start running 2-3 times a week.
(3) I'm back in CrossFit mode. My goal is 3 times a week.
(4) Yoga/Bellydance 2-4 times a week combined.
(5) Diligently logging progress on this blog.
I feel my jeans getting tighter, so it's time to go back to the gym. I'm ready. Bring it! (Um, you all cheering me on would be extremely helpful!)