Monday, August 27, 2007

CrossFit One World W.O.T.D.

Row 1000 meters

With a wooden dowel, THREE sets of:
Samson stretch
10 Shoulder rolls
5 Squats with shoulder raises
10 Shoulder presses
5 Front squats
10 Push presses
5 Overhead squats
10 Push jerks

WOD: Something a little different....
Complete five rounds for time of:
1 thruster 45#- rest 10 seconds
2 thrusters 45#- rest 10 seconds
3 thrusters 35#- rest 10 seconds
4 thrusters 35#- rest 10 seconds
5 thrusters 35#- rest 10 seconds
Row 200m

Joanne's Final Time - 18:42

Notes (to myself) about this workout: First off, a big thanks to Nick for carrying me through this workout - especially the last two rounds! It helps when someone is cheering you on as you moan and groan to the finish. I went for a 50 minute run before class and noticed that my blister from last week was acting up again. Unfortunately, it hasn't fully recovered. I think I might be taping it wrong or something. So when I realized that there was running in the original workout, I swapped the running for rowing. This made the WOD much harder because the run at least gives the upper body a break. The rowing isn't as forgiving. That's why I had to drop the weight after the second round. My upper body couldn't take the full 45#. UGH. Oh well, I still think I did okay. Plus, I think my form was better today.

OWMA Quotable Quote
"This would be a lot easier if I wasn't rowing!"
- Joanne

Sunday, August 26, 2007

a bonafide running goal

Today I got to spend some time with my dear friend Jaz. We've known each other for years! Jaz is one of my dear friends from college who I wish I got to see more often. She's moving to Maui in a few weeks, so this was basically the last time I'll get to see her until I actually fly my ass out to Maui (not something I would mind, but I need to figure out how to afford this sucker!).

Anyway... we made a pact today. In 2008, Jaz and I will be running the Maui Half Marathon. Yea! This is my first bonafide running goal, which I plan on keeping. That makes the half marathon over a year away. In fact, I'm planning on doing the Maui Half followed by the Nike Women's Half (if I get to sign up for it) in San Francisco and the Rock-n-Roll Half in San Jose (should I feel up to it).

These are my goals for next year. I figure if I write them down, someone will hold me to it!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

CrossFit One World W.O.T.D.

Run 800 meters
Practice lifts with the wooden dowel:
Bench press
Hang Power Clean

For time, five rounds of:
10 deadlifts 65#
10 bench press 65#
10 hang power cleans 45#
50 jump rope turns

Joanne's final time - 17:31

Notes (to myself) about this workout:
This is a slightly different version of the posted WOD. I'm not big on lifting extra heavy weights and the posted WOD suggested lifting your body weight. (Ahem. Lifting your body weight means sharing what your body weight actually is. Um. Not for me.) On days like this, I try to honor the exercises, but will modify. I did double the reps, but lighter weights. I also added the jump rope turns because I hate doing jump rope, but need the practice.

The next time I do this WOD, I have to bump up the weights on the deadlift. I think I need to go up to 95# or even 105#. I also need to bump up the bench press weights to 70# or 75#. The hang power clean weight was fine.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

i want to run again.

I've decided that I want to run again. I like running. I don't love it, but I like it a lot. I want it back. I haven't run since the marathon (which was two years ago next month!) because of my blister problems. I wanted to start up again this week. Yesterday, I made sure I did a little bit of running (under 2 miles in intervals) for my CrossFit WOD. Even with body glide, I ended up blistering in my arches. This is with running for less than 2 miles!

I wanted to run today, so I used some moleskin. After 10 minutes on a machine and a little yoga (I intended to run after yoga), the moleskin fell off. I was feeling really frustrated. Even in yoga I was frustrated - all because some freakin' moleskin fell off! A friend recommended this book. She's an ultra marathoner (yeah, she does 50 and 100 mile runs) and said that it's a great source if I'm having foot problems.

I just orderd my copy and am paitently waiting for small blisters to heal. But I've decided that I want to run again. I'm going to run again. End story.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


You Are Destined to Struggle With Your Weight

Like most people, you find it a little difficult to stay at at weight you're comfortable with. If you change a few habits and make food less important, you may find the struggle hardly exists anymore.

CrossFit One World W.O.T.D.

Run 800 meters

Technique: Sumo deadlift hi pull-up
1) Hold stance.
2) Deadlift.
3) Deadlift shrug.
4) Sumo deadlift hi pull-up

Technique: Push jerk
1) Racked stance.
2) Shoulder press.
3) Push press.
4) Jumps (no dowel).
5) Jump arms at shoulder.
6) Jump arms overhead.
7) Push jerk.

For time, four rounds of:
Run 400 meters
10 Sumo deadlift hi pull-up 35#
10 Push press 35#
10 Push jerk 35#

Joanne's Final Time - 27:52
(Note: I did a slightly different WOD because I don't like the weight-based WODs. I did a modified version of a WOD from last week and incorporated today's lifts. Tough WOD nontheless.)


So I went 12 whole days without fried food. For me that's a HUGE thing. I broke my challenge because the night before Caroline's wedding. We were up doing last minute touches for the wedding and to help me not fall asleep, I helped myself to some chips. It wasn't a bad thing and I didn't feel guilty or anything. I did, however, take a challenge break that lasted almost a week. So my NO FRIED FOOD clause re-started on August 16th. It's a lot better this time around.

This challenge is letting me know that though I love fried food, there are a lot of other healthier options out there. At the same time, there are a lot of options that are just as bad as friend food. I find myself trying to make better food choices. Also, it's not fried food that I love so much. It's the texture of the crunch. Knowing this is making the NO FRIED FOOD clause a lot more manageable. I've decided that when this challenge is over, I would limit myself to having friend food just once a week. It's a good healthy habit to have, and still allows me to indulge in somethings I love, like tempura.

In terms of working out, this month has been a slow start. I'm averaging about 4 hours a week, which is mostly yoga and dance. For me to get healthy, I need to do things such as running, CrossFit and spinning - the real hard sweat kind of workouts. This week is treating me much better. Let's hope I can keep it up. I've been slacking on my health way too long.

I'm also trying to eat in and cook more. Challenging, but I'm slowly trying to develop better habits.

This is what the road to good health is. Starting and re-starting. It's tough. It sucks. I hate it. But I'll do it.

Monday, August 20, 2007

CrossFit One World W.O.T.D.

50 calorie row
THREE rounds of 10 reps each:
Samson stretch
Shoulder rolls
Overhead squats
Back Extensions

For time 30/20/10 reps of:
Tuck jumps
Band assisted pull-ups

Joanne's final time - 16:58

And then...
Two rounds with a 5# weight of:
20 GHD sit-ups
20 GHD back extensions

Thursday, August 02, 2007

CrossFit One World W.O.T.D.



Complete the following for time:
100 squats
15 jumping pull-ups
15 dips
75 squats
30 jumping pull-ups
30 dips
50 squats
45 jumping pull-ups
45 dips
25 squats
60 jumping pull-ups
60 dips

Joanne's Final time - N/A